Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Things have been very boring lately... almost didn't want to update the blog because with all the activity over the past few months, I've turned into a complete snore.  We did our transfer this past went very smoothly.  No trips to the hospital AND I was able to pee all on my own (this is a huge win for me after a procedure).  It's actually an amazing procedure.  I couldn't see much, but the look on my husbands face was all I needed.  No matter what happens, it was just nice to see such happiness.  We've gone through so much (luckily, I don't remember much thanks to the drugs) but he's been on a serious emotional roller coaster and I'm happy its over for the moment.  Looks like 2012 will be our year!  Now we wait 10 days.  

I've been considering cheating and taking a preggo test, but the doctor says that it most likely would not be accurate.  I think to keep my sanity I should just stay away from it.  I'm crazy enough.  Now back to my work life and time to enjoy what will hopefully be our last 9 months of quiet.  

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