Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I've been dreaming a lot since I left the hospital.  Almost too much.  In last night's dream, I was laying on my back in the ocean on a beautiful Caribbean day and all of the sudden a gigantor wave the size of a 30 story building came and crashed over me.  I wonder why all these dreams have fluid in them.  I worry every day that I'm going to get scared of drinking water.  Add it to my weird list of fears....fear of sharks...check...fear of snakes....check....fear of grass (yes people, grass, it happened when I moved to LA)...check...fear of all fluids, apparently...check.   I'm sure they have some rehab facility somewhere that will help me work through this.  I'll have to get over my fear of them thats gonna be a while.  

Moving on from water and juice, after weeks of resting and relaxing we are on our way to transferring 2 embryos into their new home (aka my uterus).  They started me on a crazy regimen of medicines to get my uterus ready for these little ones...oh, I forgot to add, fear of medicine...check.  This Sunday we'll be implanting our 1 and only mr. embryo, we'll call him Pinky as he is currently frozen in the pink fluid (which I'm sure will cause his very own fear of fluid) and one of our 8 lovely lady embryos.  

Watch out 2012, we're only excepting positiveness this year.  We learned a lot in 2011 but lets be real here, I am very happy that it's over.  Happy New Year!

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