Sunday, December 4, 2011

Going thru the motions

Not sure what to write these days.  I feel like its the same story over and over.  Needle in belly, blood test, ultra sound, results.  My belly is a battlefield of polka dots and bruises.   So here are a few quick notes from the past few days.

Day 7 Injections:  This is the evening we hit our first vain.  I didn't feel it, but the hubby sure did.  Little blood, large bump, hives...and a call to the emergency nurse line.  All was good, it was our first time giving me the Cetrotide injection and we were worried that I was having an allergic reaction because after hitting the vain I got an immediate hive that was about an inch in size.  The nurse said that it could be a reaction to the needle and to ice it.  We iced it for about 20 minutes and everything was fine.

Day 8: a blur of lots of TV and a trip to the grocery store and a 3 jabs to the belly.

Day 9: It's Sunday and the doctor's office was nice enough to give us a 7:15am appointment for a blood test and ultra sound.  I love waking up at 6am on a Sunday morning....its my favorite thing (cue enormous and dramatic sigh).  We were able to measure a lot of the follicles and some where measuring up to 16.   Nurse said it looks like 15 follicles are maturing very nicely which is a fantastic number.  You don't want to have too many, but you also don't want just a few.   My E2 level was over 2000.  I'm surprised I didn't cry.

One of my closest friends had an adorable baby a couple weeks ago, but because I was sick I wasn't able to meet him.  Today we finally got over there.  I think I spent a full hour just holding him!  Had to put some of that baby energy into my body...he is my baby Buddha.   

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